Category:Retrospective albums
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Category:Live albums by American artistsQ:
select an element by its position in the DOM
I'm trying to select an element by its position in the DOM, but I have a problem that I can't explain (maybe you can?)
I'd like to have the index of the element using jquery (I'm using Jquery because it's better for animation)
var slider = $(".slider");
var i = slider.index();
I'm using the class line in this example, but I could change that easily (some others classes)
My problem is that this works in Chrome and Safari but not in Firefox.
Is there a better way to do that? Or maybe I'm just using the wrong index method?
Thanks a lot for your help
jQuery index() method works only for plain elements, not for all HTML elements.
You could use document.getElementById() method instead to get an element by its ID.
var i = $("div.slider:first").index();
Note, I removed the "slider" class from the code, because you are applying it to all divs.
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